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Daily Lunch For Your Office 

              It's more affordable than you think, and the health and work benefits out weigh any amount of money you're thinking you'll have to spend. Read on to see why this is the right decision for you! 

Why Provide Lunch For Your Staff?

The Research Is In! 

Employers will go to extraordinary lengths to build employee bonding, from company retreats to team building outings, but lunch is one of the easiest ways to improve company culture and therefore build a stronger team.


 Healthy food has a whole host of benefits, especially when available in the workplace. The World Health Organization found that with the right lunch ingredients, you can boost brain power as much as 20 percent and accomplish more once you get back to work.


Learn More About The Research. â€‹


It's about More Than Just Food

We're talking serious health beneifits people! 

We're partnerining with the largest health insurence providers across the coutnry to offer better incentives for you as an employer! After all, a healthy eater is a healthier person. 


Plus, Research shows that people that make just 1 conscious healthy choice per day, are 11x more likely to stick with a workout routine or better eating even after the meal! 

So What are we really offering?

Let's talk about our favorite... FOOD!

We sell in 1 year contracts and feed your staff 5 days a week! We arrive 1 hour prior to the designated lunch period to set up 2 main options, but we also travel with 1 or 2 special dishes to cater to any dietary restrictions (vegan, celiac, religious, we've heard them all)


Our chef hangs out for the lunch period to plate dishes and collect used flatware / dishes to bring back and clean up! 


We'll see you again the next day! 

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