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"Creativity is a luxury not
afforded to everyone"

William Shakespare


Creating content can be stressful, especially with so many factors to take into consideration.  What color is most effective for your target market?  What social platform is most engaging for your prodcutt?  What copy (marketing jargon for text) is going to be eye catching?  So many questions so little time.  The good news is with just a 30 minute phone call with me, we can sort out some ideas and I can whip up a stragety and plan (complete with graphics) that will be ready to attract more clients. 

"Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous"

Bill Moyers


Content is great, but without a solid stragegy of to implment the content, you're just left witha handful of pretty pictures.  Fortunatley we can work together to create a fool proof strategy for your new content that will drive more traffic to your website and phones.  Do you know about all the amazing things facebook can do these days? From Micro-targeting to lead generation, the possiblities are endless. 

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